The Invisible Made Visible: Digital Collection

The embodiment of emotion in art is a powerful concept, one that Dr Shanali Perera explores in her Digital collection.

Her paintings use colour to portray the energies surrounding pain, fatigue, and her own everyday living with illness.

Through her art, Dr Shanali Perera makes the invisible visible and questions our individual experiences and perceptions of pain and change. Dr Perera's own relationship with illness, pain, and change led her to examine her inner connection and outer connections with others. She invites us to explore the experience of resilience despite the chaos within and around us.

"The embodiment of emotion conceptualised in art. I question. I examine. I reveal. The space within...

I use colour as a method to portray energies surrounding pain, fatigue, and my everyday living with illness to make the invisible visible. Pain is subjective. Change is subjective. Our individual experience and perception of them, and how we connect with them, vary. My own relationship with illness, pain, and change as a concept and a process, and how they make me act and feel, prompted me to explore this further with my art. The isolation I felt during my illness led me to examine my inner connection and outer connections with others.

What does the experience of resilience look like? How does maintaining balance, continuity, and flow around the everyday life rhythm despite the chaos within and around 'really' look like?

Can we all have moments to stop and think? Take a minute to pause, breathe, and reflect."